Everyone, (especially people living by the borderland), are aware of the heinous violence that is present in Juarez, Mexico. The city has become a gigantic sepulcher for all the dead bodies that are found daily. Authorities have tried to put a stop to the violence with more violence and many people don’t understand how that would help. Alfred Nobel (inventor of dynamite) would probably be the only person that would understand the concept of violence used to stop violence. His concept or theory was that if human beings were able to destroy each other so easily, they would be horrified by the idea of how easy and unreasonably they could kill each other that they would eventually stop their war. He knew that the usage of dynamite could easily kill millions of people and was sure that his concept was true. Therefore, Nobel would probably apply his same concept for the violence going on in Juarez. He might even supply the city with dynamite, to both parties, the sicarios (hired assassins) and the authorities. This would result into a horrific chaos because many innocent people would die for no reason.
In reality, Nobel’s distribution of dynamite can be seen as an analogy of what Mexican authorities are doing. Many of the weapons that sicarios use to control the city are provided by corrupt authorities. This corrupt people are the dynamite that is helping to destroy each other on both sides. They have become the deadly nitroglycerine that Nobel used to create dynamite, which with improper usage and handling would create a complete disaster. Nobel’s concept would have killed many civilians that did not want to be part of the war. Nowadays, these civilians are being killed even though they do not participate in any drug related activities. If Nobel was correct, when will people be horrified of how easily they are destroying each other and stop? It seems that the violence is just increasing and sicarios are enjoying the power they are obtaining thanks to the dynamite provided by corrupt authorities. The violence has increased to the point that people across the borderland are being affected. U.S. citizens are being victims of the violence because sicarios do not differentiate between nationalities. Once you step in their territory your life is in danger.
In the news all that is heard are how many bodies have been found, how many parties of teenagers have been ruined, and how many families have been destroyed. The solution to the violence is not obvious because the people that are supposed to stop it are the dynamite that started the whole explosion. What is obvious is that Nobel’s concept is NOT the solution for the violence across the borderland. Now the authorities are not trusted by civilians because they do not know if the authorities are not more sicarios undercover. Everyone is afraid of going out from their house, but it has come to the point when people are not even safe in their homes. Because the sicarios know that nobody will do anything to stop them, they go and kill with no conscience. Living with fear of dying any moment is not the ideal life that someone wants. And the one million dollar question remains, when will the violence end?
Sicarios and drug dealers are spreading to other countries. Now members of los Zetas gang are found in the United States and Colombia. The violence has invaded Mexico and it seems that it wants to conquer more land. Now different cartels are fighting for power and the ones paying for that greed are innocent people. Nobel’s theory has been proven wrong and drastic action is needed to end it. It will come to a point when other countries will have to act in order to stop the violence like in many situations throughout history. But why are they waiting so long to provide help? The United States has reasoned that if Mexico does not ask for help, no help will be provided. But isn’t the obligation of one of the strongest militia country to provide service for peace? Is believable that U.S. has hold back due to the fear that if they interfere, the violence will cross the border. The end of this violent war does not have a clear outcome. Hopefully aid will come soon, because meanwhile many have to live with the fear that today could be the last day they open their eyes.
I did not know this information about him, this article has very useful facts. It's an interesting take on how he would solve the violence in Mexico. Since you believe his theory wouldn't help, it's frustrating that a solution can't be found to stop the violence. All we can do is hope some day it will be solved.