Saturday, September 11, 2010

"Building Peace"

Peace is something that everyone wishes for. But what are people really doing in order to create this peaceful world? Mostly nothing. When people feel in danger, they respond in an aggressive and violent manner and they don’t really process their actions. In the video “Building Peace” from the Central Asia Institute, we can see that someone finally decided to step up and do something in order to create peace. When you help someone in need, in return you usually get gratitude and that person won’t try to hurt you because you showed that you don’t mean any harm. Why don’t we help others in order to have peaceful relationships throughout the world? This gentlemen was helped by some strangers when they could have let him to die. His response was a desire to help that community out and he did by building schools and supporting an education system for girls. That is an action of peace. We might not have the money to go to another country and build schools but we can always help somebody out in a daily basis. You see someone carrying grocery bags and trying to open their car, help them out. Someone who’s car got a flat tire on the way to school or work, help them out. Little by little you can make the world a peaceful place to live in. We all have heard this so many times but is true. I will not deny that there are people out there who will not appreciate your help and might even try to take advantage of you, but you are at least doing your part. Peace can be achieved one step at a time. Be peaceful with your family, your friends, your special someone, and strangers. You will find out that helping others is an action of peace. T he world is a violent and hoarse place to live in but why not try to do something about it? You don’t need money to do a good cause. Everyday provides an opportunity for you to help. And besides, one of these days you will be the one who needs help; wouldn’t you like someone to also help you? To maintain peace in this world is very difficult and might seem impossible, but it doesn’t hurt to try to do something about it. Seeing the big picture will help you understand that you can make a difference. You might think your actions are insignificant, but for someone else you were their hero. 


  1. I agree. Peace might be attainable but only if we make an effort to attain it. Millions of individuals wish, hope, and pray for peace but out of those million how many are doing something to make that wish come true?

  2. Many ask themselves: "And who is helping me?" But Peace cannot be attained if we only think about ourselves, it's about helping others and working together. One day we will receive that help in several different ways.
